New Dawn Residence

New Dawn

  • ID: phoenix-1-loc-4
  • Name: New Dawn
  • Type: Residential Area
  • Category: Housing
  • Parent: phoenix-1
  • Website:
  • Description:
    • New Dawn is a burgeoning residential area within Phoenix Colony, designed to accommodate the growing population of Mars settlers. This district features a mix of housing options, from modular units to more permanent structures, catering to a diverse community of residents.
  • Location:
    • Coordinates: [-14.6, 175.5]
    • Environment: Semi-urban
    • Climate: Controlled
  • Lore:
    • New Dawn was established to provide comfortable and sustainable living spaces for the second wave of Mars settlers. The area symbolizes hope and growth, reflecting the aspirations of its inhabitants.
  • Events:
    1. Date: 2108-05-12
      • Description: Inauguration of New Dawn as a residential district.
    2. Date: 2115-08-20
      • Description: Completion of the first permanent housing structures.
    3. Date: 2175-02-14
      • Description: Expansion of New Dawn to include new communal areas and amenities.
  • Wave Properties:
    • ID: phoenix-1-loc-4-wave
    • Intensity: 0.65
    • Phase Shift: 1.1
    • Quantum Information:
      • Superposition: True
      • Entanglement:
        • Entangled with: phoenix-1
        • Entanglement Strength: 0.65
  • Characters:
    1. ID: residential-leader
      • Name: Diana Frost
      • Type: Character
      • Category: Settlers, Leaders
      • Description: Leader of the New Dawn community, known for her efforts in enhancing living conditions and community spirit.
      • Wave Properties:
        • ID: residential-leader-wave
        • Intensity: 0.7
        • Phase Shift: 1.2
        • Quantum Information:
          • Superposition: False
          • Entanglement:
            • Entangled with: phoenix-1
            • Entanglement Strength: 0.7
    2. ID: local-artist
      • Name: Levi Voss
      • Type: Character
      • Category: Settlers, Artists
      • Description: A local artist whose murals and sculptures are prominently displayed throughout New Dawn.
      • Wave Properties:
        • ID: local-artist-wave
        • Intensity: 0.6
        • Phase Shift: 1.3
        • Quantum Information:
          • Superposition: True
          • Entanglement:
            • Entangled with: phoenix-1-loc-4
            • Entanglement Strength: 0.5
  • Artifacts:
    1. ID: new-dawn-monument
      • Name: New Dawn Monument
      • Type: Artifact
      • Category: Sculpture, Symbol
      • Description: A monument celebrating the establishment and growth of New Dawn, located at the district’s central plaza.
      • Wave Properties:
        • ID: new-dawn-monument-wave
        • Intensity: 0.8
        • Phase Shift: 1.2
        • Quantum Information:
          • Superposition: False
          • Entanglement:
            • Entangled with: phoenix-1
            • Entanglement Strength: 0.8
  • Simulation Features:
    • Rozloha: Medium
    • Architektura: Modular, Sustainable
    • Vegetace: Genetically modified trees, Radiation-resistant plants
    • Prvky:
      • Community gardens
      • Solar-powered streetlights
      • Playgrounds
      • Communal lounges
  • Simulation Data:
    • Zvuk: Children playing, Community events, Conversations
    • Osvětlení: Ambient, Day-night cycle
    • Interakce:
      • Gardening
      • Social gatherings
      • Art installations
      • Recreational activities
  • AI Commands:
    • Lighting control
    • Community management
    • Security system
    • Information kiosk
  • AI Data:
  • OpenUSD Model:
  • OpenUSD Simulation:
  • Unity Model:
  • Unreal Model:
  • Created At: 2108-05-12
  • Updated At: 2175-02-14
  • Notes: New Dawn is a testament to the colony’s resilience and ambition, providing a nurturing environment for its residents.

This dataset includes detailed information about the New Dawn location, its history, characters, artifacts, and simulation features, providing a comprehensive view of this area within the Phoenix Colony.

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