Marineris Promenade

Marineris Promenade

  • ID: phoenix-1-loc-3
  • Name: Marineris Promenade
  • Type: Promenade
  • Category: Recreation, Tourism
  • Parent: phoenix-1
  • Website:
  • Description:
    • Marineris Promenade is a scenic area within Phoenix Colony, known for its breathtaking views and leisure activities. The promenade offers a perfect blend of nature and advanced Martian infrastructure, making it a popular spot for both tourists and residents.
  • Location:
    • Coordinates: [-14.7, 175.1]
    • Environment: Semi-urban
    • Climate: Controlled
  • Lore:
    • Marineris Promenade was developed as a recreational area to provide relaxation and entertainment for the colony’s inhabitants. Its design incorporates the natural beauty of Mars with modern amenities, creating a unique and serene environment.
  • Events:
    1. Date: 2110-03-22
      • Description: Opening of Marineris Promenade with a grand celebration.
    2. Date: 2118-09-15
      • Description: Introduction of the annual Martian Marathon along the promenade.
    3. Date: 2175-07-20
      • Description: Renovation and expansion of the promenade to include new attractions.
  • Wave Properties:
    • ID: phoenix-1-loc-3-wave
    • Intensity: 0.7
    • Phase Shift: 1.2
    • Quantum Information:
      • Superposition: False
      • Entanglement:
        • Entangled with: phoenix-1
        • Entanglement Strength: 0.7
  • Characters:
    1. ID: promenade-director
      • Name: Elena Cruz
      • Type: Character
      • Category: Settlers, Administrators
      • Description: Director of Marineris Promenade, responsible for the maintenance and events management.
      • Wave Properties:
        • ID: promenade-director-wave
        • Intensity: 0.75
        • Phase Shift: 1.3
        • Quantum Information:
          • Superposition: False
          • Entanglement:
            • Entangled with: phoenix-1
            • Entanglement Strength: 0.75
    2. ID: local-entrepreneur
      • Name: Finn Harper
      • Type: Character
      • Category: Settlers, Entrepreneurs
      • Description: Owner of a popular café on the promenade, known for his innovative business ideas.
      • Wave Properties:
        • ID: local-entrepreneur-wave
        • Intensity: 0.65
        • Phase Shift: 1.4
        • Quantum Information:
          • Superposition: True
          • Entanglement:
            • Entangled with: phoenix-1-loc-3
            • Entanglement Strength: 0.6
  • Artifacts:
    1. ID: promenade-fountain
      • Name: Promenade Fountain
      • Type: Artifact
      • Category: Sculpture, Symbol
      • Description: A stunning fountain that serves as a central piece of the promenade, symbolizing the harmony between technology and nature.
      • Wave Properties:
        • ID: promenade-fountain-wave
        • Intensity: 0.8
        • Phase Shift: 1.3
        • Quantum Information:
          • Superposition: False
          • Entanglement:
            • Entangled with: phoenix-1
            • Entanglement Strength: 0.8
  • Simulation Features:
    • Rozloha: Medium
    • Architektura: Futuristic, Nature-integrated
    • Vegetace: Genetically modified plants, Radiation-resistant flora
    • Prvky:
      • Scenic walkways
      • Viewing platforms
      • Interactive installations
      • Cafés and eateries
  • Simulation Data:
    • Zvuk: Birds chirping, Water flowing, Ambient music
    • Osvětlení: Ambient, Night-mode
    • Interakce:
      • Strolling
      • Dining
      • Sightseeing
      • Participating in events
  • AI Commands:
    • Lighting control
    • Event scheduling
    • Security system
    • Information services
  • AI Data:
  • OpenUSD Model:
  • OpenUSD Simulation:
  • Unity Model:
  • Unreal Model:
  • Created At: 2110-03-22
  • Updated At: 2175-07-20
  • Notes: Marineris Promenade is a testament to the colony’s commitment to balancing recreation and natural beauty with advanced technology.

This dataset includes detailed information about the Marineris Promenade location, its history, characters, artifacts, and simulation features, providing a comprehensive view of this area within the Phoenix Colony.

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